About Atonement Lutheran Church
Atonement Lutheran Church is a small, family-sized congregation in the middle of a big, changing city suburb. As Lutherans, we focus on the love and grace of God for all people. We strive to be welcoming, and believe God accepts us all just as we are.
About Worship: Here we receive God's grace and invitation to discipleship through the Bible, Baptism, and weekly Holy Communion. Here we offer God our whole selves, our voices and our treasures.
While we have two worship services, there are times we worship TOGETHER, blending our worship styles, community, and gifts into one worship service.
- Sundays at 8:30 am: Our "Heritage" worship tends to be more liturgical with traditional hymns, led by the piano and organ.
- Sundays at 11:00 am: Our "Journey" worship tends to be more contemporary, led by the band and piano.
Some of our missions include: Feed My Starving Children and serving kids at Indian Mound's school through The Sheriden Story
Visiting the local Mosque during Ramadan for "Taking Heart"

Holy Baptism - God is the actor in baptism, claiming and naming us as beloved Children of God. Thus, we baptize babies (and anyone else!), relaying on the promises of the parents, godparents, and congregation to pass the faith onto the child. When the child is confirmed, they then take on the responsibility for their own faith life and make promises before the congregation.
About Holy Communion
Lutherans believe that Jesus is present in the wine and bread, and receiving them is a visible sign of God's love,grace, and forgiveness. We have an open table, which means you do not have to be a member to receive Holy Communion. We take communion every week.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I schedule a Baptism?
Baptisms can be scheduled with the Pastor for either service on Sunday. You don't have to be a member to have someone baptized, but the person being baptized will become a member at their baptism. A pastoral visit prior to the baptism is expected.
How can I schedule a Wedding?
Weddings can be scheduled with the Pastor. You don't have to be a member to have your wedding at Atonement Lutheran, but our pastor does officiate all weddings in the building. Several sessions of wedding counseling and planning is expected with the pastor.
How do I become a Member?
We consider members to be those that participate in the life of the church. Do you come regularly, give offering, and wish to have a stake in the future of the church? Then, you are a member! Membership is made official during worship, and we simply expect our members to be as involved as they can be. We are a church together.
- Worship
- Pray
- Serve
- Study-Sunday school, confirmation, adult forum/education
- Give
- Befriend....And we do all in LOVE