Worshiping Together
Worship is the most important thing we do to shape our lives each week. Regular Sunday morning worship is at 8:30 and 11:00.
8:30 Heritage Service is led by the organ and piano; it is a bit more traditional. Music is also provided by the Chancel Choir.
11:00 Journey Service is led by the Worship Band; this service is more contemporary in flavor.
During the summer months Sunday worship occurs at 9:30 and is occasionally outdoors. Come as you are!

Children, Youth and Family Ministries
Supporting families in their walk of faith is a key goal of Atonement. Sunday School forms the core of Christian education for children beginning at age three. During the summer, Vacation Bible School brings friends from the community together for fun and Bible lessons.When children are ready for a deeper exploration of the Christian faith (around sixth grade) Confirmation classes are offered. Young people are encouraged to continue attending the Confirmation classes throughout their secondary years developing leadership and mentoring skills for students just starting out in the program.Family oriented classes and activities include weekend camping trips, picnics, game nights, and involvement in the worship life of the church. Click here to learn more.
Adult Life-long Learning
God gave us our minds, spirits, and bodies to cherish and nourish. Opportunities to mature our faith are provided through:
Sunday Morning Adult Forums The 2018-2019 forums. As His disciples we commit to Befriending, Belonging, and Becoming, as we walk together in the dust of Jesus. The forum is every Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
Tuesday Bible Study This time together focuses on the Bible, but may bring in other resources to help us reflect on the text from various perspectives. We meet at 9:30 a.m. each Tuesday.
Monthly G.I.F.T. Book Group The Growing in Faith Together Book Group (G.I.F.T.) is reading and discussing books of faith: something new, something classic, something about other faiths, something about the Bible or Christian history.

Music Ministry
Atonement Lutheran Church offers opportunities for singers and instrumentalists to participate in worship through the Sanctuary Choir and the Worship Team. The Worship Team includes vocalists and a band. Special opportunities exist for soloist and ensembles to contribute their gifts as they are available. To learn more click here.
Social Ministries
Sharing our gifts - materially, socially and spiritually is very important. Atonement serves others by:
- Actively supporting VEAP
- Participating in Feed My Starving Children
- Working through Healing Haiti
- Supporting hungry school children in our community through The Sheridan Story
- Producing hundreds of quilts to send to those in need
- Preparing and serving Thanksgiving meals through the Share the Feast program